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Child of Lothian


In the Child of Lothian demo, the bustling streets of 18th century Edinburgh disappear beneath the shadows of witch hunters looming in the streets. Hushed whispers appear in every corner and suspicious gazes of townspeople fall upon their neighbors as friends become enemies. What is your role to play as an orphan, in the 18th-century witch trials?


For this 16 weeks long ongoing project, I have been the lead narrative designer, having come up with the main story, goal, phasing and characters from scratch.

Our brief was basic: create a stealth game set in 18th century Edinburgh and you must play as an orphan. The rest was up to us.

I took this brief apart by doing research in 18th century Edinburgh, creating a timeline of interesting events and pinpoint interesting story ideas and motives for the main character from this.

All these ideas I compiled into a document to propose this to my team before merging some of the favorites together to finally come up with the narrative shown in Child of Lothian, which narrative I continued fleshen out in Campfire Blaze. 

The quest design was also up to me- and this I did by taking the existing timeline I had created for Child of Lothian and pinpointing which sequence included both the most gameplay and suspenseful story elements just enough to be appropiate for a potentional Demo. I concepted this quest from scratch as well, along with the narrative story elements within this and, of course, the dialogues.

in the first 8 weeks, I learned and found my personal pipelines and work flow on concepting narrative from scratch. The 8 weeks after that, I grew in my skills of quest design concepting and managed to get over 70 dialogue lines within the game for the demo alone so far by concepting this in plain english and translating this to historically accurate scottish through playtesting, feedback and reaching out to actual scots.


Unreal engine 4

Campfire blaze


Historical stealth




September 2021

32 weeks


Starting off with the quest design, I concepted a few potentional quest flows we could use as base when creating quests. I concepted the pipelines, as to say, and proposed this to the team. After many iterations, I ended up with the one showcased on the slide next to this paragraph, and used this as base when coming up with the actual nodemap for our demo quest.



This entire excel sheet I have created to keep track of the quest and narrative. Initially I create a nodemap of the quest flow and phasing, but after that, I broke each path down within this excel sheet to see how I can make sense of them narratively. I used this page for:

•Breaking each path down with narrative context

•Set dependencies for each sequence to keep track of what we need and how large the scope is

•Add vague descriptions of dialogues and NPC interactions






This is the document I compiled to propose the narrative to my team once I was done concepting the overarching idea. I made sure to include the scope, character, dependencies and tension arch to demonstrate the general idea and atmosphere of the game. Once this was approved of, I started compiling all of my ideas within the Campfire Blaze site, and continued concepting in here. This is the website where I also write and compile the scripts of each narrative sequence according to the timeline I have set up in here as well.

For more information and insight on the narrative, here I present the CAMPFIRE BLAZE site as mentioned above.

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