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"apocalyptic game project"


        Autodesk Maya
        Unreal Engine
        Adobe Photoshop
        Substance Painter



I like snow and I love apocalyptic universes. So I kind of combined the two of them and created a story for a snow- apocalyptic world, and tried to make a game about it. It’s not done yet, of course, It was just a project where I wanted to experiment with Unreal Engine.  It was the first time I really tried to create a game in this engine, or an engine in general so this was more for learning purposes.


This game is not complete, but has a full main menu with cinematic background, option box, load and save options. It contains background music and ambient sound. It also has a small loading screen, which is more like an illusion that is just THERE while the new level automatically loads.

The level contains a heavy snowfall, dynamic footsteps in snow and a ’’save game’’ station, which is a small radio. The game activates a slow motion effect and saves the game when pressing the E button if you are close to the radio, and returns to normal speed when pressed E again.

This is a project I definitely want to continue working on in the future. But for now, I’ll try to focus more on school stuff.





a few months later


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